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1. Articles submitted to the Journal should normally be between 4,000 to 6,000 words or between 10-12 pages with space 1,15 and should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words, containing the importance of the topic, the gap between theory and practice or between reality and expectation, or lacks of studies, objectives of the present study, method, findings, and conclusion. Please download the template here.
2. On the abstract, explicitly write in bold: Introduction, objective of the papers, method, findings, and conclusion.
3. Below the abstract, about five keywords should appear together with the main body of the article with the font size 9.
4. The Journal operates a peer review process and promotes blind reviewing. To facilitate this process, author’s names (without academic titles), institutional affiliations, and the email address of the corresponding author should appear only on a detachable cover sheet.
5. Articles should be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English with space 1,15, using Microsoft Word, font size 10, Arial, top 2,5 cm and left margin 3 cm, bottom 2,5 cm and right margin 2.0 cm, printed in A4.
6. Insert a header on even page indicating name of the Journal, Volume, Number, month, and year, and page number of the publication. On odd page, insert the DOI number.
7. Footnotes should appear at the end of the text, not at the foot of the relevant page. Page number should be inserted at the bottom, placed on the right.
8. Write the main body of the article in two columns, except for tables and figures. Use first line indent of 1 cm, but no indent for first paragraph right after the main title and first paragraph after subheadings.
9. Block citation should be 1 cm indented with the font size 10.
10. For research-based articles, the outline used is: introduction (without heading or subheading), method, findings and discussion, conclusion, and references.
11. The title should be less than 12 words, capitalized, centered, with font size 14.
12. The introduction should consist of the background of the study, research contexts, literary review, and research objective. All introduction should be presented in the forms of paragraphs, not pointers, with the proportion of 15-20% of the whole article length.
13. The method section consists of description concerning the research design, data sources, data collection, and data analysis with the proportion of 10-15% of the total article length, all presented in the form of paragraphs.
14. The findings and discussion section consist of description of the results of the data analysis to answer the research question(s) and their meanings seen from current theories and references of the area addressed. The proportion of this section is 40-60% of the total article length.
15. The conclusion section consists of the summary, restatement of the main findings.
16. Use only horizontal lines when using tables. Put table number and the title of the table on center and top of it.
17. Every source cited in the body of the article should appear in the reference, and all sources appearing in the reference should be cited in the body of the article.
18. The sources cited should at least 80% come from those published in the last 10 years. The sources cited are primary sources in the forms of journal articles, books, and research reports, including theses and dissertations. Citations from journal should be at least 80% of the total references cited.
19. Quotation and references follows APA style and the A4 should be included at the end of the article in the following examples:
Article in Journal:
Utari, U., Kusumandari, K., Purnama, B., Mudasir, M., and Abraha, K., 2016, Surface morphology of Fe(III)-porphyrin thin layers as characterized by atomic force microscopy, Indones. J. Chem., 16 (3), 233-238.
Chapter in a Book:
Rao, C.N.R, and Rao, K.J., 1992, "Ferroics” in Solid State Chemistry Compounds, Eds. Cheetam, A.K., and Day, P, P., Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 281-96.
Whole Book:
Barrer, R.M., and Craven, R.J.B., 1986, New Developments in Zeolite Science and Technology, ed. Murakame, Y, Iijima, A. and Ward, J.W., Kodansha, Tokyo, p.521.
Text references to the literature must be numbers in square brackets. Journals titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstract Service Source Index (CASSI).
Section default policy
Sebagai bagian dari kebijakan Tameh, setiap mengirimkan naskah maka penulis pertama (first author) wajib mengisi dan melampirkan formulir Pernyataan Keaslian Hak Cipta. Formulir Hak Cipta dapat diunduh di sini.
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Published by Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Aceh
Ciptaan disebarluaskan di bawah Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-BerbagiSerupa 4.0 Internasional.
Tameh: Journal of Civil Engineering
In cooperation with Asosiasi Profesi Teknik Indonesia (APTI)
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