Call Paper Edition for Volume: 11 Number: 2 - December 2021
Edition for Volume 11 Number 2 - December 2021 is Open!
Rumôh Journal of Architecture is currently accepting articles in Bahasa or English to be considered for publication in the future issues of the journal. Articles refer to Rumôh Journal template article and can be in the forms of research papers, literature review, case study research with background study:
- Architecture
- Interior
- Urban Planning
- Built Environment
- Architectural Theory and Critic
- Heritage Building or City
We are pleased to receive national and international articles with no admission (for free). Article will be proceeded through blind review process by independent expertise reviewer national or international. If you have any troubled or would like to communicate with our admin in terms of article submission, do not hesitate to contact us in email
We are looking forward for your submission!
Edition for Volume 11 Number 2 - December 2021 is Open!
Silahkan kirim naskah ilmiah Anda dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris sesuai template Rumôh dengan jenis naskah adalah penelitian, telaah pustaka (literature review), atau studi kasus (case study) dalam bidang ilmu:
- Architecture
- Interior
- Urban Planning
- Built environment
- Architectural Theory and Critic
- Heritage building or city
Kami menyambut baik makalah penelitian asli nasional dan internasional dan proses submission masih gratis untuk saat ini. Artikel yang diterima akan ditelaah oleh reviewer independent nasional atau internasional yang berpengalaman di bidangnya.
Bila ada kendala atau ingin berkomunikasi proses submission dapat mengirim email ke
Kami tunggu naskah Anda!
Dr. Aulina Adamy, ST., MSc., IPM | Editor-in-Chief Rumôh